Monday 17 March 2014

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We have attracted and addressed our audience by aiming at our target audience which is around 12 - 18 but can still be watched by anyone who is going through bullying although it is mostly aimed at teenagers as it is a teen film.
We have attracted our audience by having teenager actors and having it set in real settings which is a college and where are target audience group are likely to be at most of the time so this will attract out target audience as they will feel as its something they can relate to and has situations they might have been through. The title 'The Victim' could also attract our audience as maybe theyve felt like a victim in a certain situation and this might be why they want to watch it as it could relate to them. The definition of 'vicitm'.  

We have already addressed our audience from our cinema screening which happened on Tuesday 25th at 12.30pm and we recived a positive response, we also have this blog which has been promoting our film and lets you know every step we take trying to create this film. 

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