Monday 17 March 2014

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film represents a well known social group which are in many teen films and even in other genres. It also follows the binary opposition of 'popular vs unpopular' which is also a commonly used opposition within teen films. Our social group is the 'nerd' vs the bullies. The nerd is shown by the costume and props. (uniform with glasses, books) the nerds are typically the smart and geeky kids and so these sterotypical props (glasses and braces) would be assosiated with them and shows a clear contrast between this character and the bullies which are dressed in different ways. one is sporty as typically the male jocks would bully the nerd or a group of glamarous girls (such as mean girls) so we decided to have both in our film by one dressing sporty whilst the other is dressed up.

Stereotypical "nerd" appearance includes very large glasses, braces, severe acne and trousers worn high with a trouser brace. They are quiet and would not normally confront their bullies , even though in our film our victim does talk back to the bully she is very hesitant and we can see this in the close up of her face where she isnt directly looking into their eyes and seems to stutter before talking. The bullies are also taller then the vitim which is like they are looking down on her and she is looking up on them which gives them the power although we did not make this clear with our camera angles which we explained about in a previous post.

A real media product which uses similar social groups is 'Teen Witch' the 'nerd' is presented like this:

 similar costume to our nerd character is:
- glasses
- smart uniform
- shirt and tie

This is the opposition to the nerd which we also have in our film.
the popular girls(s), she is wearing nice clothes with her hair done and about to get into her convertible.

similarly, with our film our nerd was dressed like this:

 as you can see, she is wearing:

-braces to hold up her trousers
-white shirt with a tie which you cannot see in this clip

The cosume is similar to other stereotypical 'nerds' in other films.

in this clip here, we see a bully punching the victim off his motorbike (at 4.26). We also had a similar scene where the bully pushed the victim on to the floor in the ending scene that looked like this:

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