Friday 28 February 2014

Background music

As we know, the background music for a film is very important. It determines the audience's thoughts and feelings and you can tell the genre and whats going to happen next by the change in music.
I have been researching on youtube to find the best kind of music to fit our film. I had an idea that the beginning of the film where we see the victim walking into college by herself we should be playing slow sad music to show she is isolated and not a happy person. An example of music like this: is this piano music which you can click on and it shall take you to the song on YouTube.

I also like the beginning of this song where it starts off calm and then builds up. The build up could represent where we see some action in the movie. E.g: the victim getting physically bullied and this will show in the music as its building up and will create tention.

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