Friday 28 February 2014

Reflection blog

We have finally finished filming, pictures of our filming process will be up shortly. Now that the filming process is finished we will begin our editing process for the opening of our film for our rough cut copy, we have lost a member of our group who was really good at editing but as a group we are determined to do the editing by helping each other and we are also determined to attend any workshops in our free time and meet up to finish any little things that need to be done to perfection. At this point we haven't decided on any music for the opening of our film but ideas of that will be up soon

Background music

As we know, the background music for a film is very important. It determines the audience's thoughts and feelings and you can tell the genre and whats going to happen next by the change in music.
I have been researching on youtube to find the best kind of music to fit our film. I had an idea that the beginning of the film where we see the victim walking into college by herself we should be playing slow sad music to show she is isolated and not a happy person. An example of music like this: is this piano music which you can click on and it shall take you to the song on YouTube.

I also like the beginning of this song where it starts off calm and then builds up. The build up could represent where we see some action in the movie. E.g: the victim getting physically bullied and this will show in the music as its building up and will create tention.

Reflection Blog

The good news is that we have finished filming! We will be adding pictures of us filming very soon. We will be starting to edit out rough cut in our next lesson on Monday. The bad news is we have lost one member of our group and so now there is only 3 of us which will mean there will be more for us to do but we should be fine as we have plenty of time to edit and i will make sure we come in during any of our spare time to workshops and any other time to make sure our editing is perfect.
The next thing i will be doing is finding music that fits in with our opening.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Reflection Blog

Just a brief update of whats been happening so far;

Information about our film


As a group we've had many different ideas on what the storyline of our movie would evolve around, but due to lack of time and communication we missed the deadline for the pitches, we were aware of this and spoke to both our teachers and we came up with a storyline. The whole moral of the story is about school life and a girl being bullied in school, there are two main stereotypes in the film, first one is a 'nerd' and the second stereotype is 'popular/ mean girls'. In the opening we will see the character 'Penelope' dressed as a nerd walking into college by herself and she meets the two bullies and they have a altercation which leads to her being physically and verbally abused. 

About our film


Due to a change of ideas on our film this led to lack of time and we were unable to meet the deadline for our pitch. Unfortunately we do not have a pitch but we have spoke with our teachers and now decided on what to film. Our storyline will be about a young girl in college who is being bullied. The character will be stereotyped to be a "nerd" that stands out from the other people in college. This character will be named 'Penelope' and will be bullied by 2 other girls. We will show Penelope entering college on her own and walking around on her own so it shows she is isolated and then every time the 2 girls bump into her they will perform an act that is classed as bullying her, both physical and verbally.

Mise en Scene

The setting will be inside college which is a typical location for a teen film. The mise en scene for our character Penelope would be that she is wearing stereotypical nerd items such as: glasses, tie, braces and carrying books around. The other two girls would dress normally so it looks like Penelope is standing out.

Monday 3 February 2014

Final project planning - location

As a group at first we decided to plan our final project outside of college but unfortunately we weren't able to book any cameras for the half term, neither could we use our own as that would be going against the health and safety regulations. We spoke to our teacher about this set back and she explained that because couldn't book a camera and there wasn't much time to film the best thing to do was to have our main location based on the college campus, that wasn't ideal for us but we went ahead and started filming.

Planning Final Project - Planning Schedule

Final project planning - Location

As a group at first we decided to plan our final project outside of college but unfortunately we weren't able to book any cameras for the half term, neither could we use our own as that would be going against the health and safety regulations. We spoke to our teacher about this and she said because we couldn't book a camera and there wasn't much time to film the best thing to do was to have our main location based on the college campus, that wasn't ideal for us but we went ahead and started filming

Planning Final Project - Location! Location! Location!

Our opening project is going to be based in city and Islington college. Here are a few pics to give you an insight of what the college looks like;

Planning Final Project - Costumes and actors.

For our final piece there are going to be 3 main actress which are; Jazzel, Hana and myself.

The costume I myself will be wearing is a shirt and tie with trousers which has braces attached to them. wearing glasses and a rucksake.

Hana and Jazzel shall be wearing casual clothes a whole opposite attire to me with jeans, top and a hoodie.

My attire;


Saturday 1 February 2014

Planning Final Project - Props

For our final project we are going to be using a range of different props, which are these listed below;

  • Rucksake
  • Glasses
  • Books
  • Folder
  • Papers
  • Watch
  • Pencil case

Planning Final Project - animatic

Our animatic storyboard;

Brief Storyboard

since we did not meet the deadline for the pitch , this means we also do not have a storyboard. I came across a website called which is a website that you can make storyboards on which are cartoons. I thought this would be an easier and fast way of creating a quick storyboard. Unfortunately you are only able to create a certain amount of boxes for your storyboard or you will have to pay so I tried to make it as breif as possible but also add most things in. Here is the final outcome:

this website was very handy and here are the 3 characters from our film. As I wanted different expressions I had to use different pictures for each character so I hope it's not too confusing to follow.

Here is the process of making it: