Monday 13 January 2014

Travelling and arriving

In todays lesson we watched the opening of the film 'The Breakfast Club' the mise en scene in the opening showed how the different characters showed the characters arriving at their destination and how the vehicles they arrived in represented their characters and characteristics. The main characters were:

THE PRINCESS - she arrived in a fancy BMW driven by a man who is preferably her father, her attire is quite fancy which could represent her and her fathers wealth.

THE BRAIN -  this character arrived to the entrance of their school in a old run down car with his mother and younger sister. In this part of the movie it is seen that he is being encouraged into doing well in school and receiving the grades he needs. As the younger sister is seen in the car with him and his mother could possibly show that his mother could probably be a single mother who's dealing with a lot.

THE ATHLETE - this character arrives in a decent car nothing special, he is dressed in a bomber jacket which is usually worn by 'jocks' in teen dramas. In this part of the opening film his father is seen talking to him about receiving a football scholarship which shows he's sporty and probably popular in school as usually in these teen films the 'jocks' are adored by many especially the females.

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