Wednesday 22 January 2014

shot by shot remake

As a group our task was to do a remake of the opening scene of the film 'The Breakfast Club'. There are five main characters in the film who are labelled as; 'The criminal', 'The athlete', 'The basketcase', 'The princess' and 'The brain'. These characters match their labels through the way they dress and act. For example, 'The princess' is centre of attention and resembles a barbie doll. There are different locations in the opening scenes such as, the outside of the school, the car scenes showing the different charaters with their families, the classroom, the canteen area and the corridor. The car scenes in the film is a comparison to the type of characters they are because of the types of vehicles they arrive in at school. 'The princess' arrives to school in a new sportscar indicating her wealth. 'The basketcase' arrives to school in a run down car resembling her character.    

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